Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Partnership Puts Teal Bunbury in Pennsylvania

CD Gunners: obtain 4th round pick
Stoners FC: obtain T. Bunbury(KC)
The Partnership group in Pennsylvania completed the final paperwork on the latest deal in the BSL. Stoners FC is getting the young and talented Teal Bunbury from Capital District in exchange for a 4th round draft pick. The Stoners are now out of expansion team predraft options and have to wait until the official draft begins on March 1st. Meanwhile the Gunners are not quite out of options, but for all realistic purposes appear to be. The draft roundup for "the Partnership" has the club drafting 8th in rounds 2-3, then rounds 5-14. The Gunners will draft #3 in rounds 1-11, and #8 in round 4.


  1. Maybe 2 heads are better than one. Good signing.

  2. I hate you guys ... <_< I was REALLY hoping to nab Bunbury.

    Only a 4th ? That is a freaking STEAL !

  3. Steal? Maybe. But for someone I wasn't going to tag as a DP and I realistically don't think I was going to get back in the draft, getting something in return is better than letting him go for nothing.
