Wednesday, April 13, 2011

BIDDING WAR: Sergio "Koko" Pardo (HOU)

Clubs involved (4): BURUD TOWN, ALAMO CITY, GOLD COAST, PENNSYLVANIA - Bidding ends 10am (Pacific Time) on Friday 4/15/11. Bids must be made in the comments of this post. All other will not be valid. Any bids made after 10am (PST) will not count.


  1. let me test the waters................ I begin with Kandji and his 0 points in 2011 and 22 minutes.

  2. I top that with Alen Stevanovic - 0 points, 268 minutes

  3. Let's see where this is going to go:

    Nizar Khalfan 2pts - 330m

  4. Unfortunately, I couldnt make it to my computer today, so it looks like i lost the bid. Woulda offered Paulo Jr (3), so I guess I'd offer him for your man
