Monday, February 18, 2013

Closing the Book On This Offseason

The BSL Designated Player deadline has passed with a total of 8 trades tallied this off season. There was lots of demand for DP slots between club owners, but only Alliance FC released a slot when it was all completed. The remainder of the trades involved draft picks ranging from 1st round selections to as far down as the 4th round. No Goal Keepers were selected this year as DP's.


  1. What determines if a player is a defender? If they are normally a defender? If they started the game as a defender? If they were playing on the backline when they shot on goal?

    1. I was asking about this in an email the other week too. I believe that it's based on starting position though, I"m not sure how it works out if the player shifts to the midfield or something in the middle of the game.

  2. Correct, their starting position determines their position for scoring.
